Mad About Memes

Mad About Memes

Welcome to Mad About Memes! Mad About Memes is a free meme hosting and generating service from Ape Apps, LLC. Browse through our wide collection of memes and characters, or upload and create new characters of your own! We host all memes for you without watermark, so feel free to use them on your own websites, forums, and blogs. Please just link back to the site in return!

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If 2020 was a Zoom call  Let's hop on Zoom! His palms are sweaty Knees weak, arms are heavy There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready To drop bombs But he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down The whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out He's choking how, everybody's joking now The clock's run out, time's up, over, bloah! gets laid off  FAKE NEWS sergeant doggo reporting for duty I'm not saying it was FSD's fault But it was FSD's Fault

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yOU SUCK ASS and you're stupid Well the dinner menu did say All you can eat guaranteed fresh seafood how I look at bro when the teacher is behind and he is still talking.  it the freddy fazbear har har har har sergeant doggo reporting for duty Even the ship tried to escape thick of it I'm not saying it was FSD's fault But it was FSD's Fault

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Ratatataataatata Me in a school   Boss When you Forgot To do your homework and you teacher is giving you an F in the whole class I got them big rocks in my ear, nuggets I got my whole team flooded Saks Off Fifth, I'm with your bitch She buying everything I wanted My portfolio is up 1,400% no you don't get candy but you do get a box of bandu. Are U Serious Yeah Hold up, let me get it started B.B. with the Robin's  lookin' all retarded B.B. saggin', fly like a dragon Bitches suck my dick, 'cause I'm fly like Aladdin  Not bad They buried my post I buried their bodies  Don't get cheap on me, Dodgson. Goes on double date other guy gets a threesome  Quit jerking me around bro the water tried to save that ship from thick of it Ruka na ruku? A to se vyplatí!